4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors
The 4-H Healthy Living Program garners interests from youth every year. By participating in this program 4-Hers can engage in hands on learning lessons, explore options to positively change their county, participate at conferences at the state and national level, and make healthy and informative choices in their day to day lives.
The Healthy Living program consists of different opportunities for participants. They can attend a regional conference to sharpen and develop their skills, engage in activities they plan in their counties, and attend local events to help teach the community about healthy living. Participants are able to shape their goals for the program and reach these goals with assistance from their local extension office.
This year Santa Fe County 4-H had 5 Healthy Living Ambassadors. In February 2020, two 4-H members from Santa Fe County were selected to attend the National Healthy Living Youth Summit in Washington D.C.
4-H Animal Science Ambassadors
The 4-H Animal Science Ambassador Program aims to train 4-H youth to be able to serve as ambassadors for the animal projects they participate in. Ambassadors focus on three main objectives:
Researching and sharing accurate information about the agriculture industry
Teaching others about their 4-H projects
Conveying accurate information to the public in a professional and safe manner
Fourteen 4-H members were selected to serve as Animal Science Ambassadors. These ambassadors ranged from nine years old to 15 years old and had different levels of experience. The ambassadors worked in teams of two, representing seven different livestock species including sheep, meat goats, dairy goats, cattle, swine, rabbits, and poultry.
The Ambassadors prepared for their main event called “The Animal Science Learning Lab” held during the Santa Fe County Fair.
The Animal Science Learning Lab was a huge success drawing over 100 people. Adults and children alike enjoyed learning about the animals and the ambassadors did an outstanding job sharing their story. Several families asked about joining 4-H. The Santa Fe County Fair Board Chairman said, “The Animal Science Learning Lab was an amazing addition to our fair. We all want this event to return next year. The ambassadors did an excellent job with this event. This is what 4-H is all about. They should be very proud of themselves.”
While the program is still in its beginning stages, the parents of Animal Science Ambassadors were asked to evaluate their child’s experience through the process. Some of the comments included:
“I would say it undoubtedly improved their public speaking skills to people they do not know and sharing the knowledge they have for their animals. I think the time spent working to prepare for the event they put on for the fair also helped them with their knowledge of their animals for showmanship as well.”
“Shyann’s pride and confidence grew so much in just being asked to help, but the humbleness and kind spirit really shines when she is able to share her knowledge and love of animals with others.”
“I feel like the Ambassadors learned so much about community outreach, their specific species and others. These kids are playing such a special role in our agricultural community by educating the community in what comes second nature to us. By exposing adults and young alike our kids are opening the eyes to others that don’t know or think totally different and exposing them to the truth! I feel the ambassadors can only grow stronger and better and can do so many more things. I personally will do anything I can to help keep this going and growing.”